Monday, October 11, 2010

Surgery Day

Maks has been suffering with nearly constant ear infections for the past two months, with no relief from antibiotics.  So, after meeting with an ENT last week, we signed him up to get tubes today.
Maks couldn't eat anything after 1 am this morning, so I set my alarm for 12:45 to get him up and feed him.  Apparently, he was aware of my plan because he was up at 12:30 and ready to eat.  He also got up at 2:30, 3:30, 4:15 and 5:30, which has kind of been the routine for the past two months!  We had to be at the hospital at 6:00 and he was scheduled for surgery at 7:30 am.  I was so worried about sitting in a room of elderly people (because that's usually who is having surgery) and having a screaming baby who just wants to eat.  Well, Maks was a good boy and he went back to sleep when we got to the hospital and didn't wake up until the nurse started messing with him to get his vitals.
We had gone through the whole "getting tubes" thing with Maya, so I knew what to expect (baby being taken away by strangers, tears falling, stomach hurting, etc).  The nurses told me that it was time and they took him from me and someone ushered us to a waiting room (way better procedure because you don't watch the baby being taken into surgery).  I grabbed a magazine to occupy my mind and less than 10 minutes later, they told us that he was finished.
I was told to bring a bottle and come into the recovery room.  Boy was he ready to eat by then!!  You could hear him screaming down the hallway.  He ate about 8 oz (more than he ever has at one time) and calmed down and fell asleep in Clint's arms.
He had a rough morning and was pretty fussy, but after a couple of naps, he was back to his old self.  We hope that this is the answer to our prayers and that our little man can finally stop hurting and start sleeping (we would like some sleep as well). 

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