Monday, December 6, 2010


You are 6 months old!  Half of a year already!
You weigh 17.5 lbs.
You wear size 9 months clothing and some 12 months.
You are eating baby food 3 times a day and taking 5 bottles a day.  You have tried every baby food that is available (in stage 2) and you love it all!

 You have mastered the art of sitting and rarely lose your balance, even when reaching for toys.
You are able to get up on your hands and knees and rock back and forth, so crawling is not too far off.  You can hold off on that one if you want!

 You are sleeping pretty well.  You go to bed around 7 pm and usually wake once around 4 am for some cuddle time and then go back to sleep until 6:30. 
You love taking a bath and now that you can sit, you love it even more.  Maya can keep you entertained in the bathtub for a long time! 

You are starting to reach for people, especially me, which is pretty cute.  You are still daddy's boy though.  You light up and start smiling and laughing as soon as you see your daddy.

We love the little personality that you are developing.  You are a happy, happy boy!
Did I mention that you can stop growing now?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, so cute!! Can you believe it's going so quickly?? Hope you all have a great Christmas!
