Tomorrow, Maks will be two weeks old and I can't believe it!! Time is flying by!! There's not too much going on in the Thebeau house, other than taking care of kiddos. Last night Clint walked outside after we had a storm and this is what he saw:

It's kind of hard to tell from the pictures, but there was a double rainbow and we could see both ends of it. Maya had just gone to bed, but we had to get her up to see the rainbow (because she's a little obsessed). Big mistake - she did not want to go back to bed and had to tell the rainbow "good night" several times.

Maya LOVES to hold Maks! She does have to be reminded to not get in his face, as she likes to put her face right on his and talk to him. He doesn't really like it. Maya continues to enjoy going to get diapers, wipes, blankets, etc for Maks and is a big help to mommy and daddy!! You may be wondering after seeing Maya and Maks right next to each other if I have had Maks out in the sun. Maks was born with quite a tan!! He is literally twice as dark as I am (not that I am dark at all right now)!!

Maks has had a few baths now and still is not pleased with this particular activity. This is pretty much what he looks like from start to finish.

As soon as he is wrapped in a towel and held, he looks like this.
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