Tuesday, June 8, 2010

We're Home

We have made it home and are settled in, somewhat. My mom (who has been a huge help) is leaving today, so we'll see how we do on our own! Maks had his first visit with the pediatrician this morning and he is doing wonderfully. He certainly did pee and poop all over the table while the doctor was trying to examine him! Apparently he wanted to show off his skills.
Maya and Maks at the hospital.

Kaia (our neice) and Maks

Karsyn (our neice) and Maks

Maks' first car ride

Hanging out with Grandpa Danny in their matching polos.

Maya and I when we got home from the hospital. She said to me right before this picture, "Mommy, I am SO glad you are home!" Break my heart!

Grandma Susan and Maks

"Feed me!!!"

Maya and my mom were supposed to go to the pool yesterday, but it kept looking like it was going to rain. Eventually the sun came out and Maya decided that she would like to play in her pool, so this is what she did all day yesterday.

Four days old and still sleeping, sleeping, sleeping.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure what happened...I posted several posts back but it didn't show up. SO, CONGRATS on your son! He's beautiful and I'm glad to hear that things are going well! Keep the pics coming!
