Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bath Time

My babies are quickly becoming buddies. Maks is entertained by everything that Maya does and Maya wants so badly to be Maks' mother. It's pretty cute and I am trying to catch them together as much as possible because I am well aware that in a couple of years they will likely not be so fond of each other.

Maya was my "helper" with giving Maks a bath until recently. She thinks she is an adult now and has become obsessed with taking a shower. She would play in the shower for hours if I would let her! Oh, and she got the cutest hair cut, so I'll have to get some pictures of her on here with dry hair soon.
Maks has come a long way from the days of screaming and turning bright red when he was placed in the bathtub. Now he laughs and kicks like he has been doing this forever!

Funny story -- We have had some bad storms here lately and have had a little girl in our bed on those nights. Well, last night was one of those nights. This morning when she woke up she came into our room and said, "Mom, I was FREAKIN' OUT last night with those storms!!"

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