Monday, September 27, 2010

Big Weekend

We had a big weekend at the Thebeau house! Mama Marty came to visit because Maks had a baby dedication service at our church and Karsyn (our niece) had her 12th birthday.
Karsyn - I still can't believe you are 12!! Clint and I started dating when Karsyn was 6 months old, so I have practically seen her grow up...crazy!!

We started off the weekend with the birthday party on Friday night. Maks was a cranky pants because he didn't sleep all day, so he crashed pretty early into the party. Mama Marty kept him all day Friday and she says she has no idea why he wouldn't sleep, but I have a feeling that it was because she wouldn't stop talking and singing to him!
Maya, on the other hand, had a blast! She absolutely adores her cousins and I think they feel the same way about her. I can't wait to see Maks running around with all these girls soon!!

Saturday, Clint and I took Maya to the Libety Fall Festival and Mama Marty kept Maks. It does Maya some good to get some one-on-one time with mommy and daddy once in a while.
She watched her first parade (3 minutes of it, anyway, because she got bored), walked around and looked at the crafts and of course rode the rides. I got picked to ride the swing ride and Clint got picked to ride the cars with her.
After the rides she decided she was we got her a fried Twinkie and a root beer...what else do you feed your 3 year old when they haven't had lunch?!

Sunday was the baby dedication at our church. They start off the ceremony with a slide show of all the babies (and everyone oooohs and aaaahs) and then Pastor Merle (who is awesome!) calls up each family individually to pray over the baby and family.
What you can't see in the pictures is that I was holding Maya during the prayer and she decides mid-prayer that she wants to pray on her knees. She wiggled out of my arms and gets into the middle of the circle on her knees in prayer position...seriously cute...but very distracting. Maks did wonderfully during the ceremony considering that it was at 4 pm and that is not a good time of day for a 3 1/2 month old!

After the ceremony, we were given this letter:
Dear Maks,
When you were just a baby, your parents proudly brought you before the church family for a time of dedication. On that day we thanked God for you and made a promise to set a good example for you and help you learn about Jesus. Your decision to accept Jesus as your Savior and Lord is answer to the prayers of your parents and Pleasant Valley Church family.
Your parents were given this letter on that day with the instructions that they were to present it to you when you accepted Jesus. Today is that day! It is the beginning of a new life for you as you follow Jesus and live for Him. Just know that you were precious to us then and you are precious to us now. I praise God for all He has done in your life and all He is going to do. I would love to hear from you the day that you open this letter!
Your pastor,
Merle Mees

I can't wait to give Maya and Maks their letters someday!

Okay...this is my most favorite picture from the weekend...LOVE IT!!!

Maya doesn't really accept the term "Halloween", as she calls it "pumpkin time". Since she has figured out that it is almost "pumpkin time", she has been obsessed with getting pumpkins. So, of course, we made a stop at the nearest pumpkin store and she had a blast!
We now have four pumpkins on our porch for the four of us for "pumpkin time"!

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! Loved seeing all of these pictures (and the one of Maya and the pumpkin is adorable!!!). The letter from your pastor for Maks is so neat. I would love to have had something like that to give Benny when he prayed for Jesus to live in his heart. Oh..and how adorable that Maya got on her knees to pray...what a doll! Love keeping up with your cute family!
