Friday, October 29, 2010

Crazy mornings and funny stuff...

So, the last two mornings have been kind of crazy at my house and I'm starting to wonder if I'm losing it.  Yesterday, Maya's old babysitter kept Maks for me at our house because Maks' babysitter got to go see the "baby in her belly" as Maya would say.  Well, the morning started out good...I got up before Maks did and got myself and Maya ready and then realized that I had forgotten to get everything ready for Miss Brenda because I'm not used to someone coming to my home.  I meant to write out Maks's schedule, set out food, spoons, bottles, formula, get the picture. 
So, I was racing around trying to get all of that done when Maks woke up.  I fed him and handed him to Clint to finish getting everything else ready before Maya and I headed out the door.  My last stop was to put on some this time of year in Missouri you need lotion!  I went to use the lotion (the pump kind) and it squirted all over the front of my scrubs.  So, I changed shirts and went to get Maks.  Not one minute later, he spit up (a lot!) on my new shirt.  I got another new shirt and what did he do?  He spit up on me again.  Well, I was out of clean scrubs and running late, so I scrubbed it off as best I could, grabbed Maya and we headed to preschool. 
We pulled into the parking lot at her school and she says, "Mom, where are my shoes?".  Oh, yes...we made it to school without shoes.  So, I dropped her and her fifty bags of stuff (it was Halloween party day) off at school and ran back to the house (luckily, we live 3 blocks away) to get her shoes.  I was only 15 minutes late to work!

Well, today, our morning wasn't quite as chaotic, however, my mind must have been somewhere else.  You know how you can drive somewhere and be thinking and not really remember the trip when you get there?  Well, I did that this morning and the bad part was that I had a baby in the back of my car when I got to work.  Please don't call DFS...I'm not a bad mom!  And, I'm really not trying to make light of it because it freaked me out that I might possibly have gone into work and left Maks in my car.  It's not lack of sleep either, because my little man has been sleeping about 12 hours a night...YEAH!  Anyway, as I was pulling into the parking lot, he started making noise and I realized what I had done. So, he is safe and sound with Miss Amber now and I am not going to let that happen again!

On a much lighter note, I have been cracking up at what comes out of my little girl's mouth lately:
1.  As she is standing on the ottoman with a pillow and about to jump on top of Clint, "Daddy, here come the rain!"
2.  "Mommy, I am special and tough, but Maks is just special."  Maks was crying at the time, so I guess she thought he wasn't tough.
3.  As we are driving home and talking about all the dogs that we have seen walking, "Mommy, where are all the donkeys?"
4. "Mommy, if you eat aaallll your dinner, you can have a piece of my candy (from the Halloween party), but you have to eat it all!"
5. "Guess who is coming to Karsyn and Kaia's (our nieces who are having the party) Halloween party? KARSYN AND KAIA!!"
6.  Me:  "What do you want for dinner?"
     Maya:  "I want pizza, quesadilla, grapes, spaghetti, strawberries, carrots, and a cereal bar."
     Me:  "Sure."

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