Maya had her Christmas program tonight for her preschool. She has been walking around the house for weeks singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and a couple of other reindeer tunes getting ready for the big show. Her practice paid off and she actually walked out on stage and sang right along without any crying (which is what happened last year).
Maya and Isabelle waiting to go on stage. Isabelle is Maya's best friend at preschool.
Here's the whole 3 year-old class right before the singing started. You can see that Maya is still searching for Clint and I and I was literally right in front yelling her name. Halfway through the show, she finally saw me!
This is her finally spotting me. She's singing Five Little Reindeer, so that's her "5".
Click here to watch a video of the program.
Click here to watch a video of the program.
I woke up to Maks talking to himself around 6:30 on Sunday morning. After a few minutes, he got quiet so I thought that he had fallen back to sleep and I thought that I was actually going to get to sleep until 7:00 or later! I got up around 7:15 and didn't hear Maks and Maya wasn't in my face asking for "brepast" (that's breakfast), so I knew something was up. This is what I walked in his room to should have seen the look on her face! She knew she had been caught and she should be in trouble, however, I said, "Wait, don't move...I have to take a picture". After the picture, I explained that climbing into Maks' crib is not a good idea and should never be done again.
Our church group has been serving at a community center in the inner city for several months. Wendy, one of my friends in the group, came up with the idea of having our kids put together gifts for the kids at Freedom Fire, so that they would understand the concept of giving, rather than receiving. So, last Tuesday, all the families got together and the kids filled 70 bags with toys, fruit and candy to give to all the kids that would attend on Friday night. Maya and I got to hang out with the kids and make ornaments, paint fingernails and listen to the story of Jesus' birth.
Some of the older kids who were serving there who put on a skit of the birth of Jesus for the kids to watch.The kids were all so excited to have ornaments to take home and to receive a gift. It was a wonderful experience all around!
Maya in the crib with Maks sure sounds familiar! :) It's so cool that Maya can go with you guys to help with the inner city mission. Ben has been singing his pre-K Christmas program songs for several weeks now. I always love to see their cute!