Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Maks, you are 7 months old. 
You weigh 18.5 lbs.
You wear size 9 or 12 months clothing.
You got your first tooth this week!  I've been thinking that it was coming any day since you were about 4 months old.

 You are eating three meals a day and taking five bottles a day. 
You still haven't found a food that you don't like.  You aren't really fond of peas, but if I give you a bite of fruit in between a few bites of peas, you do just fine. 
 You had your first stage 3 meal, chicken noodles, this week and you loved it. 
You are eating snacks (puffs) and finally not choking.
You can eat some table food (green beans, rice) and I better have some ready for you if everyone else is eating!
Oh, and look...you can hold your bottle (sometimes)!

You have FINALLY become a decent sleeper!  Most nights you sleep 11-12 hours.
You take two 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hour naps.
You occasionally need help finding your binky to get back to sleep, but I can handle that!
You are going to start crawling any day now.  You can kind of crawl backwards and will scoot yourself into whatever is behind you.
You have grown out of the infant car seat and you are now in a "big boy" car seat.  Which means that you get to sit in the cart at this grocery store!

You are such a happy, friendly little boy!  You don't meet a stranger!  All the old ladies at the grocery store love your smile.
You still adore your daddy and your sister!  Your favorite game with them is for daddy to hold your hands and have to play "boxing" with Maya.  You crack up when you are "punching" her.  I hope you and Maya don't really play "boxing" when you are older because it probably won't be as funny.
I don't know why, but when both of my babies hit the seven month mark, it has made me really sad.  I guess it's because you have less time before you turn one than you have already been here with us.  I'm weird like that.  Since you are probably our last baby, I will be overly emotional at all milestones (if 7 months is a milestone).

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