Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jamaica - Part 2

Our resort offered a sunset cruise every afternooon, so of course we had to take advantage of that!  This is our boat.  And, yes, we went down the slide!

This is our resort as seen from the boat.  You can't see much of it because of the trees.  These buildings are rooms and at each end of the resort are two large buildings with several restaurants and shops in them.

We are so bad about taking pictures of each other...I think
have maybe 15 with us in them (except for the dolphin pics) out of 400 pictures.  And posting pictures in swimsuits is tricky, so there's not too many that I am willing to post.  This was taking as we were waiting for the cruise to start.
I bought this hat from a Jamaican lady who was selling them at our resort.  She had to have been 75 years old.  She would tell me that every hat that I tried on was the perfect one and that I looked beautiful.  Who wouldn't buy a hat from her?  Anyway, I bought the hat because I was getting a sunburn on my nose and forehead.  Apparently, the damage had already been done because my nose is currently peeling.  I can't tell you how many patients at work have said, "What's wrong with your nose?".  Who says that to someone that you have just met??

This is Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville...WAY over-rated!

I'm not really sure what the next couple of pictures are of, but the building are cool, so I took pictures.

These huts are actually rooms of a resort located on top of these bluffs.  You can literally walk right out of your room and jump into the water below.  Our boat stopped here and let us all out and we were able to swim into the caves in these bluffs.  This is also where we went down the slide...several times.

Rick's Cafe...known for a place to watch the sunset and cliff-divers.  We did both.  Well, I didn't cliff-dive, but Clint did.  See below...

Just a rainbow.

These are the cliffs that people jump off of.  The local stand on the far side and do fancy dives/jumps/flips off of the rocks.  They have built a stand up in a tree that is 85 feet from the water.  One of the locals will walk around and collect money and when they have enough (I think it was $20), they will do one of their fancy dives off of this stand. 
On the left side of the picture is the cliff that Clint jumped off's 45 feet from the water.

And, there he goes...I have several pictures that were taken on his way down, but he would kill me if I posted them because he is flailing his arms and legs as if he's a little bit scared. 

This is a video of the crazy local guy doing a flip off of the 85 foot cliff.  I couldn't figure out how to turn it, so you'll have to turn your head.  Sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Your vacation looks awesome! I could really use a tropical getaway right about now! The rainbow picture is really cool and you really do look cute in that hat! :)
