Sunday, April 10, 2011

10 Months

You are 10 months old.
You are 20.5 lbs and 28 inches long.
You are in the 60th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for height.
You are wearing mostly 18 month clothes.
You can say "MAMA" and it usually comes out as "mamamamama"!!

You can cruise around on the furniture and you can stand alone for about 2 seconds. 
You no longer fall from standing and can lower yourself down. 
You can climb up a flight of stairs (with someone right beside you) and have figured out how to back yourself down one step. 
You have pretty much given up baby food and you are feeding yourself. 
You still haven't found a food that you won't eat, but right now you really like yogurt, cheese, peas, crackers, strawberries, grapes, pineapple, chicken and all kinds of baby snacks.

You have 8 teeth (almost...2 aren't quite in yet).
You are now a great sleeper...sleeping 11-12 hours every night!
You still LOVE Maya! 
You really, really don't like having your face cleaned!
You hold your breath when you cry really hard or get have not passed out yet.
Oh, and I can't forget to mention your looks like you will be blessed (sarcasm) with your mother's curly hair. 
You are starting to develop quite the little personality and it is so fun to watch!

Just thought I would get a picture of these baby feet before you start walking on them.

I couldn't leave big sister out.


  1. He's so cute! That first picture is TO DIE FOR! His eyes are gorgeous!

  2. Look at his little curls poking out under his hat... so precious!!
