Friday, May 28, 2010

One week...or less!!!!

So, I had an appointment this morning and I am now scheduled for induction on June 4th at 7 am!! I am currently at 5 cm and my doctor said that she doesn't think that I will make it to next Friday...but I've heard that story before and I'm not going to get my hopes up. Another interesting thing is that my belly now measures 33 cm (down 3 cm from last week). The doctor said that Maks is as low as he can get and it causes the belly to measure smaller because he is "in my hips, not my belly". It's pretty exciting to know that I will get to meet my little man in a week...or less!

In other news, Maya has come down with a bug. I've kept her home from preschool the last two days. Hopefully, she will get over it before Maks arrives because I want her to be able to come and see him at the hospital and I would like to not have to worry about a sick kid while I'm birthing another kid!


  1. Wow...5 cm already! It seems like he should arrive before the 4th at this rate! I can't wait to see pictures of him and I hope Maya feels better soon!
