Friday, June 4, 2010

Maks Asher Thebeau

Our beautiful baby boy arrived today!! I was induced around 7:45 this morning and had the easiest delivery that I think you can have. Maks made his debut at 11:51 am and he was 20 inches long and 9 lbs, 1 oz! Yes, he is a chunky one!! No wonder I wasn't able to walk more than 10 steps this week! We've had lots of visitors and are enjoying some quiet time right now.
Maya giving Maks and I a hug right before he was born.

About 5 minutes after birth.

Maya was in awe! She loves her brother!

Proud mommy and daddy!

After a bath...he finally gets to sleep.
There will be lots more to come. I just want to hold him right now, so I'm going to get off of here. Thank you all for your well wishes!


  1. Congrats! He's beautiful. Lots of love to you all.

  2. Maks is gorgeous. I'm so happy to hear you had an easy delivery!! Hopefully we'll get to see you all tomorrow. What a sweet family :)

  3. He is fantastic, Brooke! (and Clint ;)) I can't believe how big Maya is...her hair is getting so light too. Great to see your pictures...thanks for sharing. Take care and cuddle that baby for me!

  4. Maks is sooooooooo adorable! Congrats Brooke and Clint! Maya is soooo big I can't believe it! Next time i'm in Liberty, i'm calling, hopefully your home so I can see you and you can see Mason. He is getting so big! B two in Aug. Crazy! Anyways, give that lil Maks lots of kisses. Love ya Girl!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS! He is a doll and you look wonderful! I can't wait to hear more about him. Welcome to the world Maks!

  6. Congratulations Thebeaus!! Maks is adorable, and I love the name. I hope everyone is feeling well.

    The Freeds
