Sunday, May 15, 2011

11 MONTHS (and 2 weeks)

I'm a little behind, but my little man is 11 months old!

You are the sweetest little boy in the world.
You are wearing size 12-24 months, depending on the clothing/brand.
You are still taking 2 naps, usually 1.5 to 2 hours each.
You are eating like crazy, but prefer fruit and carbs.
You now have 6 teeth and are still waiting on 2 more that are being stubborn.
You are sleeping like a champ and are going 11.5 to 12 hours now.  Yeah!!

You have yet to walk, but you can stand for a few seconds without support.
You have mastered climbing up and down the stairs and you will climb the 3 sets of stairs in the house without a break.
You are following a few commands, such as clapping, splashing and high five.
Your vocabulary now includes: mama and dada; all others are unrecognizable.

You are still the friendliest little thing.  You smile and flirt with all the women and you will reach for people that you don't even know if they are talking to you.
You are definitely a momma's boy (for now) and want mom when you are hurt, hungry, sad...pretty much anytime that I am in sight.

As of the last four mornings, you have woken up in a good mood!  I used to wake up to the sound of screaming and now you will lay in bed and talk to yourself.  It makes for a much happier mommy, so keep it up!

Here is the front of Maks' birthday announcement.  My friend, and college roommate, at designed them for me.  I LOVE them and so far the rest of the family does as well! (You can see the back if you click on the above scanner is not working looks much better on her site).

I can't wait to celebrate the first year of you life, Maks!!  We love you so much!

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