Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dance Party and Other Randomness

Two posts in a week!  I'm getting back on track.  We'll see...

Maya has a few new obsessions...dancing, weddings, dresses and flip-flops.  Apparently, we have moved on from the swim suits to new and better things.  So...dancing.  If the girl hears a song as we are eating in a restaurant, she will put her food down and start raising the roof.  If she hears a song when we are eating dinner at the house, she will get up from her chair and start dancing.  She will then return to the table as if it didn't just happen...cracks me up.  She also randomly performs what she likes to call "beautiful dances".  I'm pretty sure she is trying to do ballet, but it looks nothing like ballet!

She was excited this night because we let her wear her "Jamaican dress" (the dress we brought her from Jamaica), which is another obsession of hers.  She started dancing up and down the halls because she was so excited to be wearing it.  She asks me pretty much every day if she can wear this dress.  I am hoping for some warmer weather to get here quickly because I am tired of seeing a full-on throw-yourself-on-the-ground-and-scream-and-cry fit every time I tell her that it is not warm enough to wear it yet. 

Mom, don't kill me for this one!

This is my mom and I playing Just Dance.  I L-O-V-E this game and no one will play it with me.  And, by no one, I mean Clint.  I have begged and pleaded and he refuses.  Maya will play for one song and then she sits and watches me, which is not really that fun.  So, I was super excited when my mom wanted to play...and then she kept saying, "one more", "okay, let's do one more song", "we have to do this song"!!!  What I didn't know is that while we were playing, we were being photgraphed. 

And, here come the random pics....

Grandpa Marc and Maks waiting for breakfast.  Notice the family picture in the background....Yes, we need a new one! 

My babies with their cheesy grins while eating breakfast.

My Mother's Day flowers!  I also got a cute sign that reads, "Home Is Where Your Mom Is".  Good job Maya and Maks!!

Speaking of Mother's Day....Maya and I went to a wedding (another obsession) the day before Mother's Day.  My cousin, Alex, got married in Omaha...by the way, thanks Wigger family for a wonderful time!!  And congrats to Daphne and Alex!!!
For several weeks leading up to the wedding, Maya was obsessing about every detail.  What I was going to wear, what she was going to wear, what the bride was going to wear, if she could dance, etc.  I promise you that I did/do not bring up these subjects...it is all from her.  I feel like we might be in trouble when she gets a little older!!
So, as we were getting ready for the wedding, she kept saying to me, "Mommy, you look so pretty!  I love your dress and your necklace!".  She was also pretty enamored with her dress and matching hot pink purse (thank you Grandpa Chris).  Then we got to the wedding and during the ceremony, she would whisper to me, "Mommy, I love her dress (the bride)" and "Mommy, look how pretty she looks" and "Mommy, I need more lip gloss" and then there was the "Mommy, I'm hungry". 
Then there was the reception...and she was in heaven!   Loud music to dance to, other little kids who wearing dancing like crazy people, and cake...oh, and the bride.  She got to dance with the bride and I'm pretty sure she thought she was dancing with Cinderella.  Thank you, Daphne, for being her Cinderella!  She danced and danced and danced until she was literally exhausted.  She literally sat down on my dad's lap and fell asleep.  
Why do I not have any pictures of this?  Because I forgot my camera.  But, I can assure you that it was pretty cute.  I can also assure you that my girl has become a "girl" and likes to look pretty and dance and I kind of like it.

Oh, and this is really random...

I found this in my desk drawer and scanned it into the computer awhile back.  I think I was two.  So, what do you think?  Do my kids look like me?  I think Maya does, minus the dark hair and dark skin.


  1. Cute post and pictures! I love Maya's dance moves! I definitely think Maya looks like you...so cute! The pictures of you and your mom made me smile. :)

  2. Cute, cute, cute!!! The photos are all great!! And, I agree with Ali that Maya is a tiny Brooke, for sure (with the slight exception of the hair)! Can't wait until Maks is steady enough for Maya to teach him how to dance, too. Those will be some great photos, for sure!
