Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday!

My baby boy is 1!!  It's so hard to believe!!
We traveled to Farmington, Missouri (where we are from) to have Maks' party.  Nearly our entire family lives there, so it's easier for us to go there than for 30 people to travel to KC. 
Two days before Maks' birthday, he decided to spike a fever of 102.5 and not eat or drink.  My mom took him to the doctor (because he was already in Farmington without us) and she was told that he just had a virus.  He seemed to be improving the next day, but on Saturday (his birthday), he was back to being lethargic, crabby and he had a low-grade fever.  But, the party must go on...
He did pretty well, considering how he was feeling.  However, he had to be held most of the time.  Because of the craziness of dealing with a crabby one year old and trying to be the host and hostess, Clint and I didn't get some of the very important pictures.  For instance...I have no picture of the giant cupcake that I spent a lot of time making (other than after it was smashed) and we don't have a family picture...or even a good picture of Clint or I with Maks.  Oh well, we do have it on video.

Granny Thebeau and Maks

 Aunt Cindy and Grandma Sharon (she adopted Maya and Maks as grandchildren, but now she's having her own!!)

 Grandma Susan, Uncle Brent, Eli and Maya

Clint, Great-grandpa Danny and Great-grandpa Eddie

Popo Mike and Maks

My-My (that's what we call her)

The ONLY picture that I have of the cake!

Opening presents...he lasted about three minutes.  Then, Maya took over and was happy to do so!

Uncle Brent

Great-grandma Carol

MaMa Marty and Katie

Grandpa Chris and Maks

Maks' new ride.

Also, Maya's new ride!

Great-grandma Carol and Maks

The Birthday Boy...thanks MaMa Marty for the cool hat and chair!

The newest addition to football Sundays at the Thebeau house.  Now he can watch the games with Daddy in his own chair!

Thank you family and friends for coming to Maks' party and thanks for all the generous gifts!  Although he won't even remember it, we do, and we really appreciate everyone being there.  
Hopefully, next year he will feel a little better!

You are 1 year old!
You wear size 18-24 month clothing.
You are 22 lbs.
As of this week, you aren't taking a bottle (and you are kind of ticked about it).
You know how to use a sippy cup, but you still prefer not to.
You are a great eater and will eat anything that is put in front of you. 
You still prefer fruit and carbs, though.
Before you got sick on your birthday, you were sleeping 12 hours, from 7 pm to 7 am.  Hopefully, we can get back to that soon!
You still aren't walking or even standing for long periods of time.  I'm kind of okay with that, though.  I know it will be here soon enough!
You can now climb up and down all the stairs in the house independently (we do stand close-by) and it's one of your most favorite activities.
Your vocabulary includes: Ma-ma, Da-da, and dog-gie.
You are the sweetest little baby I know with the cutest personality, as well.  You have been such a blessing to our family and we have enjoyed watching you grow this past year. 
Happy Birthday Maks-y!!!!!


  1. Happy Birthday, Maks! Looks like it was a great time. Brooke, I love your new blog background!

  2. Happy 1st Birthday, Maks!!! And another great thing about doing an out-of-town birthday party... you don't have to clean your house before everyone comes and after the party is over!!! Glad Maks is feeling better now. Hope he's enjoying all those fun presents!
